
Monday, February 13, 2006


昨天被我的系友A气到,到今天还一直跟朋友抱怨.昨天和几个朋友从JB会来, 然后去文蒂家找他聊天. 他和我们抱怨说, “今天下午我和A还有敏去航家讨论东西,我跟他们讲我要减肥但是又怕减了胸部会变小.那A竟然笑我,你胸部本来就小,如果再变小也不会有人发觉的啦!”然后他又对着我说: “你也中招!”哇噻,我不在也中?!!! “因为我们看到伟, 就一直帮你宣传, 说你这不错, 那不错, 但是那A就突然冒出一句: ‘虽然他没有我漂亮, 胸部也不比我大…’然后我们就笑,航他们还笑到在地上翻滚”哇! 管我什么事啊?干嘛拖我下水? 你竟然当着这么多人的面这么讲我…(好委屈哦!) 你要称赞你自己也就算了,干嘛要踩别人让自己上位呢?好无辜哦, 平时不跟你计较整天把我和伟凑成一对也就算了, 算你做好事帮我宣传也就算了, 可你也不用这么讲我啊!真他妈的!!&$%$##$@%*(请允许我在这儿放肆,因为我实在是忍无可忍了…其实也不关他妈的事,我改正, “真他奶的!!!”),结果我和文蒂她们就七嘴八舌地开始在那边研究为什么他胸部这么大. ‘因为那边是脂肪组成的,看他的身形,就知道他脂肪多!我们哪里能跟他比?’ “对咯,他平时就很喜欢笑我们胸部小, 然后炫耀他的胸部大!” ‘对咯,他平时很喜欢取笑别人,然后认为他样样是最好!’ “对咯,那天他才笑我去美容院修的眉很难看,说他自己修的就很美” 我们就这样讲了好久,回到家又召集其他系友一起上MSN讲, “第一次看到有人讲自己的胸部大的”, “从来就不喜欢他那张嘴巴”…后来还很激动跑去跟青&茹讲,青就在那儿笑, ‘你是在笑我还是笑他?’ “当然是笑他,他脸皮还真厚的” 因为抱怨了这样多, 大家就只是安慰我 ‘不要那么在意他讲的话, 狗嘴吐不出象牙!’ 就是没有人安慰我说, “我觉得你比他美”, 让我觉得好像每个人都觉得他比我美,就好像他胸部比我大(这个我就很肯定他真的比较大),让我开始对自己没有信心,因为我不觉得他美(其实我开始第一眼看到她时,觉得他还蛮不错的,后来相处过了,就越来越不觉得他好看了 ‘人美心美’嘛),如我比他丑的话,那我岂不是很丑? 幸好刚才有个帅哥说我比他美, 我才没有那么失望. (因为他称赞我,所以也就礼尚往来的称赞他帅哥)刚才和婷提起,就跟他说 ‘你是最好的,整个系里就只有你对她是真心的’婷回我说: “因为如果我不睬他的话,就没有人睬她了,他就是这样,我有时也会被他伤到,但是你不要去介意那么多,你就不会那么生气了”,所以婷是真的很好的,身为婷的好朋友,我却无法做到好像他一样,我的度量可没这样大. 其实A不是不好,有时我觉得他人还蛮热心的, 也乐于助人, 但有时就是热心过度, 讲话从不理会别人的感受, 另他身旁的我们感到很压力. 有时她对我好时, 我会想要对他好,对他好,跟他在一起的时间也变多了,被射伤的机会也就增加了,就这样,每次我开始要对他好时,他的嘴巴就回惹事,让我觉得很受伤. 结果搞到现在我很怕跟她单独在一起, 每次上课他走进来时,都在祈祷他不要坐在我身旁,否则我那天肯定倒霉,被他搞的伤痕累累的…有时我在想,年龄是我们系友当中最大的她,为什么讲话是最不成熟的那个…唉,A啊A, 如果你变得正常一点, 我们大家会很爱你的!!


  • At 13 February, 2006 06:19, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u r good enough.I still learn how to be like u.
    u can express urself well.U will voice out what u want n wat u dislike.So u will hapy always n enjoy ur life at any place in dis world.
    Believe me,u r beatiful.i cant coment who is more beatiful,coz i dun noe how to judge.but at least hoh,have one things is u r better,u have a good n pretty heart.
    i dun noe what is the benefit to have a big ball for this i never "xian mu"d ppl who have big ball lah.
    but anyway,she still our fren in utm loh,she have her own problem.Maybe she juz try to espress her by dis way.n try to protect herself

  • At 13 February, 2006 17:00, Blogger 老全· said…

    "幸好刚才有个帅哥说我比他美, 我才没有那么失望. (因为他称赞我,所以也就礼尚往来的称赞他帅哥)"



    HEY! 应该用我提议的title:竹竿与肥油


  • At 13 February, 2006 17:14, Blogger 热冰山 said…

    beh tahan nia,always wan ppl noe he is the 帅哥...wawawawa..., the title i keep for u to write ma,u can use the title to write in ur blog!

  • At 13 February, 2006 17:17, Blogger 热冰山 said…

    dear coursemates:keep the spirit like ben,shoot shoot,shoot!!

  • At 13 February, 2006 17:19, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ok..althou i duno who's that "big boobs",but since she critic our sy,she is unforgivable!haha
    all i wana say is "xiang you xin shen",u r pretty cz u have a beautiful heart (since so many ppl say like that)
    mayb sometimes we have try to forgive other ppl lo..mayb she is not purposely d?
    watever la.." God will save the best for the last" matter how u looks like, u'l find ur mr.right no need to care so much abt wat ppl say abt u..

  • At 13 February, 2006 17:33, Blogger 热冰山 said…

    ok la,i wan stop to shoot her d, if not i ll become a ugly gal like her...mMmMM.....

  • At 13 February, 2006 17:33, Anonymous Anonymous said… touchin nia ur stories..brighten my boring days.. ha.. so i consider ta most late 2 know ur small boob..aiks! well,this mornin u miss ta movie, coz nat argue wv A until A wanna cry...geng o,nat..4me, ald stop bein so close wv her since last sem, coz of her booty lips(mouth).. so juz fren fren like tat loo..after al its coursemate.. really c her change alot after breakup wv her chinese's bf..indian bo care gua..o she tertarik 2her 2X 'I' bf-talk like snake..berputar belit..pity her also sometime c her like tat..thInk tat she need some counsellin gua..o a new bf?new life?so tat won bad mouth abt us need hear her nagging...

  • At 13 February, 2006 19:41, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    1st of all, i have no idea wat u've written in ur blog. Anywayz, i got the story i have a vague idea wat 2 comment here. Yeah, every girl dislikes 2 b branded their chest as "airport"! Mayb looking down on ppl may boost her self esteem or she's just a kaypo boobies observer, how would i know? The thing is, ignore her! To the hell on wat she says! Live life cool and alwiz remember that beauty+brains are the one sought after...not beauty+boobs. Only shallow peeps will think of the latter. Peace out!
    p/s : superball rules!


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